The Edo State International Film Festival being hosted by the Edo State Government through its Agency – the Edo State Skills Development Agency (EDOJOBS) in collaboration with the Swiss Development Corporation SDC and the Nigerian German Cooperation implemented by the GIZ alongside Kada Cinemas, Phoenix browser, Accelerate Tv, Presco Plc and Vanguard Allure, is a film Festival designed for Edo People and it is being entirely organized by Edo people.

The Festival is positioned to celebrate Edo film industry talents within the state and Edo born talents all around the world, showcasing them to the world and creating an enabling environment for the creative business in Edo state to flourish, connecting our home grown talents with their counterparts’ within Nigeria and the world at large.

The festival is designed to open up the content creative space and endear a lasting penchant for quality and make Edo born practitioners globally competitive.

Already, the Festival prides in bringing Edo born artistes, film makers face to face with their counterparts from all around the world with films from ninety five(95) countries submitted, numbering over one thousand five hundred (1500) titles from which about ninety two(92) will be screened for four(4) days. Already, celebrated Nollywood stars are in town hobnobbing with their Edo counterparts, the festival organizers are excited bringing together movie makers, investors, distributors and industry enthusiasts from around the world (virtually and physically) and attract the attention of key players within the creative sector.

The festival is going to be an awesome avenue to promote creative skills development and create job opportunities for interested Edo sons, daughters and residents.

Of a truth the festival will be of great benefit to the Economy of the State and its people as a lot of guests from far and wide will be attending the festival, thus increasing the revenue and business patronage within the city environs.

Ten thousand dollars ($10,000) is up for grabs for the overall best film and Five thousand dollars ($5000) each for best film made in Edo and best Edo indigenous language movie special, all thanks to the Executive Governor of Edo state, His Excellency Governor Godwin Obaseki.

Also up for grabs is $2,000 dollars each for short films in three categories sponsored by Phoenix browser namely; Best Film in use of technology, best student film, best cellphone/tab film. Other benefits for Edo residents are free masterclasses facilitated by industry experts.

The festival committee lead by Edo born multiple award winning Nollywood filmmaker Amb. Lancelot Oduwa Imasuen consist of seasoned Edo born filmmakers, practitioners and academia including members of the jury which is equally headed by an Edo indigene – Prof. Osakwe, while the festival director is Edo born Mr. Davidson Izegaegbe. The various heads of guilds in the state are fully communicated with about this all important film festival.

So it is safe to say that Edo state international film festival is a festival of the people, for the people and by the people and should be embraced by all.

We welcome you to the first ever Edo State International Film Festival.


-Edo State International Film Festival Committee

By osibanews

Eliel Otote A is an Actor and Filmmaker, with a bias for journalism. He was a freelance feature writer with the Nigerian Observer in the 80's in Benin City, he also presented programmes on both radio and television. Eliel is the Editor and Publisher of OSIBAnews Network Magazine, of which this blog is an affiliate.

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